Research interests
Adi Weidenfeld is a member of the Triangle Institute and a researcher in University of Warsaw, Poland. He used to be a senior lecturer in International Tourism at the School of Marketing and Management, Coventry University and Middlesex University in the UK. Adi has worked on his two-year Marie Curie Intra-European postdoctoral Fellowship at Hanken School of Economics, Finland, and completed his PhD in Geography at the University of Exeter after graduating with a Master’s in European Property and Development Planning from University College London. His main interests include regional innovation, tourism development, visitor attraction management, tourism diversification, tourism innovation, and tourism cross border region.
- Ph.D Geography, University of Exeter
- Master’s in European Property and Development Planning, University College London.
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Selected publications
Weidenfeld, A., Makkonen, T., Clifton, N. (2021). From interregional knowledge networks to systems, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 171.
Paraskevaidis, P. & Weidenfeld, A. (2021), Perceived and projected authenticity of visitor attractions as signs: A Peircean semiotic analysis, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 19.
Weidenfeld, A., Björk, P., Williams, A.M., 2021. Identifying Cultural and Cognitive Proximity Between Managers and Customers in Tornio and Haparanda Cross-Border Region. Journal of Borderlands Studies 36 (1), 99-118.
Naumov, N., & Weidenfeld, A. (2019). From socialist icons to Post-Socialist attractions: Iconicity in Central and Eastern Europe. Geographia Polonica, 9 (4), 143-157.
Paraskevaidis, P. & Weidenfeld, A. (2019), Sign consumption and sign promotion in visitor attractions: A netnography of the visitor experience in Titanic Belfast, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 31 (4), pp. 1937-1955.
Weidenfeld, A. (2018). Tourism Diversification and its implications for smart specialization, Sustainability, 10(2), 319.
Makkonen, T., Williams, A. M., Mitze, T., & Weidenfeld, A. (2018). Science and technology cooperation
in cross-border regions: a proximity approach with evidence for Northern Europe. European Planning
Studies, 1-19.
Makkonen, T., Weidenfeld, A., & Williams, A. M. (2017). Cross-border regional innovation system
integration: An analytical framework. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 108(6), 805-
Makkonen, T. & Weidenfeld. A. (2016). Knowledge-based urban development of cross-border twin cities
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 7(4), pp. 389-406
Weidenfeld, A., Bjork, P. and Williams, A.M. (2016). Cognitive and cultural proximity between service
managers and customers in cross border regions: knowledge transfer implications, Scandinavian Journal
of Tourism and Hospitality Research 16 (1).
Ram, Y., Bjork, P., and Weidenfeld A. (2016). Authenticity and place attachment of major visitor
attractions, Tourism Management 52, 110–122.