Research interests
Dr. Zalan pursues research in the field of medical microbiology, particularly in the epidemiology of nosocomial infections. Investigation of hospital-acquired infections is of my specific expertise. But unfortunately, due to unexpected surrounding difficulties, I could not fulfill my specialization research interest. Therefore, I had to pursue research in different fields, that include:
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) which is considered to be a global and local challenging threat. The aim of my current comprehensive study is to determine the prevalence and the trends of “diabetes type 2” among Arab community in Israel in relation to demographic as well as the risk factors.
- As our society proved to have a high rate of consanguinity that led to increased incidence of genetic disorders, some of my interests also focused on genetic counseling in order to determine the factors associated with the utilization of this service to pregnant women in the Arab society. Furthermore, one of our studies is about the implementations of the genetic counselor’s recommendations. Such study is expected to contribute positively for the implementations of preventive programs.
- Studies on genetic disorders that resulted in identifying new gene mutations, new causative genes and new cases. These disorders were found to be related to our society, thus, characterization of such genetic disorders had an international scientific impact as well as a specific benefit for the concerned families.
- Consanguinity as a risk factor for genetic disorders and congenital malformations, this research interest was important as there was a lack of data from our region in this regard. This had a joint interest with our research center (TRDC), as one of the research interests of this center is to characterize various health and social problems, in order to suggest possible intervention and prevention programs.
Community Research
- B.Sc., Microbiology, Zoology and Chemistry, Nagpur University, India
- M.Sc., Jamia Millia Islamia, India
- Ph.D., Microbiology,University of Delhi
Contact info:
Selected publications
- Rajech Sharkia, Abdelnaser Zalan, Amit Kessel, Hazar Zahalka, Ayman Asaly, Muhammad Mahajnah. CLN8 gene compound heterozygous mutations: A new case and protein’s bioinformatic analyses. (2022), Manuscript communicated to Genes- Manuscript ID: genes-1781220.
- Zalan A, Khatib M, Sheikh-Muhammad A, Mahajna M, Sharkia R. Consanguinity Status in the Arab Society of Israel: Is it Different? American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research. 2021: – 15(1). AJBSR.MS.ID.002071. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2021.15.002071
- Sharkia, R., Khatib, M., Sheikh-Muhammad, A., Mahajnah, M. and Zalan, A. The prevailing trend of consanguinity in the Arab society of Israel: is it still a challenge?Journal of Biosocial Science. 2021: Dec 6;1-5. (SJR: IF=0.57, Q1).
- Zalan A, Sheikh-Muhammad A, Khatib M, Sharkia R. The Current and forecasted Status of Type 2 Diabetes in the Arab Society of Israel. Current Diabetes Reviews. 2021: 17(8):e050421192659. (SJR: IF=0.63, Q3)
- Zalan A., Sharkia R. (2021) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in the Arab Society of Israel. In: Laher I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-36811-1_162 as well as the link: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-36811-1_162
- Authors: Abdelnaser Asad Zalan and Rajech Abdullah Sharkia, book chapter entitled: “Genetic Counseling (GC) in the Arab Society of Israel” has recently been published in; “A Comprehensive Guide to Genetic Counseling”, Published by: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2020. ISBN 9781536169751 (paperback) | ISBN|9781536169768 (adope pdf). Editor:Benjamin A. Kepert, 415 Oser Avenue, Suite N, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA, Tel: 631-231-7269, Fax: 631-231-8175. novapublishers.com, https://novapublishers.com/shop/a-comprehensive-guide-to-genetic-counseling/
- Sharkia, A. Zalan, A. Jabareen-Masri, H. Hengel, L. Schöls, A. Kessel, A. Azem, M. Mahajnah. A novel biallelic loss‐of‐function mutation in TMCO1 gene confirming and expanding the phenotype spectrum of cerebro‐facio‐thoracic dysplasia.American Journal of Medical Genetics: Part A. 2019: 179(7), 1338-1345. (SJR: IF=1.1, Q2) (cited by 4)
- Sharkia R., Zalan A., Jabareen-Masri A., Zahalka H., Mahajnah M. A new case confirming and expanding the phenotype spectrum of ADAT3 related intellectual disability syndrome. European Journal of Medical Genetics. (2019): 62(11) 103549. (SJR: IF=0.87, Q1) (cited by 17)
- Sharkia R, Sheikh-Muhammad A, Mahajnah M, Khatib M and Zalan A. Exploration of risk factors for type 2 diabetes among Arabs in Israel. Annals of Global Health. 2019: 85(1): 67, 1–7. (SJR: IF=0.52, Q2) (cited by2)
- Sharkia R., Mahajnah M., Sheikh-Muhammad A., Khatib M., Zalan A. Trends in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus among Arabs in Israel: A community health survey. Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2018: 7(4): 098-104. (IF=1.185, according to journal cite) (cited by 3)
- Sharkia R., Shalev S., Zalan A., Marom-David M., Watemberg N., Urquhart J., Daly S., Bhaskar S., Williams S., Newman W., Spiegel R., Azem A., Elpeleg O., Mahajna M. Homozygous mutation in PTRH2 gene causes progressive sensorineural deafness and peripheral neuropathy. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 2017: 173(4): 1051-1055. (SJR: IF=1.1, Q2) (cited by=7)
- Sharkia R., Mahajnah M., Athamna M., Sheikh-Muhammad A., Zalan A. Variations in Types of First-Cousin Marriages over a Two-Generation Period among Arabs in Israel. Advances in Anthropology. 2015: 5(04): 171-176. (IF= 0.47, according to journal cite) (cited by=4)
- Rajech Sharkia, Muhammad Mahajnah, Esmael Athamny, Mohammad Khatib, Ahmad Sheikh Muhammad and Abdelnaser Zalan. Changes in marriage patterns among the Arab community in Israel over a 60-year period. Journal of Biosocial Science. 2015: 48(2): 283-287. (SJR: IF=0.57, Q1) (cited by=19)
- Rajech Sharkia, Jalal Tarabeia, Abdelnaser Zalan, Esmael Atamany, Muhammad Athamna, Stavit Allon-Shalev. Factors affecting the utilization of genetic counseling services among Israeli Arab women. Prenatal Diagnosis. 2015: 35(4): 370-375. (SJR: IF= 1.07, Q1) (cited by=6)
- Rajech Sharkia, Muhammad Mahajnah, Abdelnaser Zalan, Chrysovalantis Sourlis, Peter Bauer, Ludger Schöls. Sanfilippo type A: New Clinical Manifestations and Neuro-imaging findings in patients from the same family in Israel. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2014: 8:78. (SJR: IF= 0.26, Q3) (cited by=13)
- Rajech Sharkia, Muhammad Mahajnah, Abdelnaser Zalan, Muhammad Athamna, Abdussalam Azem, Khader Badarneh, FuadFaris. Comparative screening of FMF mutations in various communities of the Israeli society. European Journal of Medical Genetics. 2013: 56(7): 351-355. (SJR: IF=0.87, Q1) (cited by=15)
- Sharkia R, Zaid M, Athamna A, Cohen D, Azem A, Zalan A. (2008). The changing pattern of consanguinity in a selected region of the Israeli Arab community. American Journal of Human Biology: 20:72-77. (SJR: IF= 0.57, Q1) (cited by=43)
- Sharkia R, Zaid M, Azem A, Zalan A, (2006). Determination of Class-X Students’ Knowledge Level and Attitudes towards Genetic Disorders and Consanguinity. AR-RISALAH (13): 186-210 (Abstract in English).
- Sharkia, R., Athamna, A., Zaid, M., Gnaim, L., Zalan, A. (2005) Knowledge Level and Attitudes of Arab Students in Beit Berl College regarding Genetic Disorders, Consanguinity and Genetic Counseling. ATEE Proceedings.
- Saxena SK, Ibrahim ANA, Chaudary S, Thukral SS. Development of a computer software for analysis of SDS-PAGE protein fingerprints of bacterial isolates. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Feb. 2000; 38 (2): 167-176.